Section: Software


Participants : Nicolas Beldiceanu, Alexis De Clerq, Sophie Demassey, Jean-Guillaume Fages, Narendra Jussien [correspondant] , Arnaud Letort, Xavier Lorca [correspondant] , Arnaud Malapert, Julien Menana, Thierry Petit, Charles Prud'homme [correspondant] .

CHOCO is a Java discrete constraints library integrating within a same system explanations, soft constraints and global constraints (90000 lines of source code). This year developments were focussing on the following aspects:

  1. Providing a complete solver independent specification of explanation algorithms, data structure for encoding «nogoods» and treatment algorithms. A reference implementation is being made within the new version of our solver CHOCO .

  2. Design and development of a dedicated languages to specify the propagation and the search heuristics of constraint solvers.

  3. Providing efficient implementation of filtering algorithms for constraints such as tree , increasing_sum, cumulative with resource overload .

  4. Providing an implementation of a probabilistic model for alldifferent .

N. Beldiceanu , A. De Clerq, S. Demassey , J.-G. Fages, N. Jussien , A. Letort, X. Lorca , A. Malapert, J. Menana, T. Petit and C. Prud'Homme have contributed in 2011. The link to the system and documentation is http://choco.emn.fr .